+331 30 75 11 67
+331 30 75 11 67
SAS EPI - Industrial Products Company - SAS EPI - with capital of 1 036 000,000 € - RCS PONTOISE : N° 444 607 923 -ZI DES BEAUX SOLEILS 09, Chaussée Jules César BAT 07- 1Er étage 95520 OSNY (France) -Phone: +331 30 751 167 - Fax: +331 34 229 296.
As a user, you have a free right of access, modification and deletion of your contribution to this website. For this you can e-mail to:SAS EPI -ZI DES BEAUX SOLEILS 09, Chaussee Jules Cesar BAT 07- 1Er étage 95520 OSNY (France).
We inform you that the information collected through the various forms on the website: www.epigroupe.com, www.epi-groupe.com, cannot be disclosed to third parties, or be subject to any resale shares or any other commercial use.
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Creating links:Only the hyperlink to the main website home is allowed. This link is allowed under the following cumulative conditions: That the link appears under the following name: "EPI"; That the EPI website opens in a new window, or in replacement of the open window.
In no case should the EPI website open from a "frame" or any other device reducing the screen; In all cases, direct links to the documentation sources and profiled pages are strictly prohibited. Limitation of Liability: EPI reserves the right to modify or correct the content of its website at any time without notice.
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Conception and realization EPI - ZI DES BEAUX SOLEILS 09, Chaussee Jules Cesar -BAT 07 - 95520 OSNY (France)
Accommodation www.nuxit.com - Nuxit - Groupe Magic Online - 130-134 Avenue du Président Wilson
93512 Montreuil Cedex FRANCE.